About In Her Hands

Vice President Harris and the Partnership for Central America launched "In Her Hands," a women's economic empowerment initiative, in June 2022. 

By 2030, PCA aims to support and provide opportunities for 5M women across Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras through job creation, technical skilling, financial inclusion, textiles and apparel, and agricultural regeneration programs to pave the way for the next generation of leaders. 

Creating and supporting opportunities for women across Northern Central America can systemically address challenges to economic growth in the region by driving immediate impact for the formal economy, creating a sustainable system of support, increasing economic productivity and supply chain resilience, and mitigating critical procurement risks.

Production by Jafet Rivera, Five Media Honduras

Why Now

Women in Central America are the target of the most extreme violence and poverty in this region while simultaneously serving as the greatest hope for the region’s future. They face some of the highest feminicide rates in the world, 75% live in extreme poverty, and 60% have only informal employment prospects. On the other hand, every dollar of investment into women-owned startups here generates 78 cents compared to 31 cents for men, and women here reinvest 90% of their incomes back into their communities. Focusing on girls and women can spur economic progress, expand markets, and improve health and education outcomes.


In Her Hands is working to bring together partners to support the advancement of women across the Americas at scale. To ensure the greatest impact, IHH will work to deliver skill training, digital access, and gender equity for the women of Central America in order to shape a brighter future for themselves, their families, and their communities. The Partnership for Central America will coordinate this long-term effort to ensure long-term sustainability and coordinated impact.

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  • In Her Hands Webinar Series

    A forum for objective-driven dialogue on the structural barriers and systemic disadvantages that disproportionately impact women in the region. Learn More

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